
Grindery Nexus Workflow Schema Definitions

Workflows define a sequence of actions to be executed predicated on a trigger (an event or condition).

Workflows leverage the composability of connectors hence a workflow can include triggers and actions from multiple connectors.


An object that represents a workflow.

Key Type Required Description
title string yes A short name for the workflow
trigger OperationSchema yes Defines the trigger of the workflow.
actions array<OperationSchema> yes Defines the actions of the workflow.
creator DIDSchema yes The DID of the creator of this workflow.
signature string yes signature of the workflow definition by the creator (i.e JSON of all fields except signature).
state string in (on, off) yes State of the workflow. If on workflow must be executed immediately. If off workflow must be saved, but not executed.


An object that defines a workflow operation e.g a trigger or an action.

Key Type Required Description
type string in (trigger, action) yes The type of operation.
connector string yes the identifier of the connector app that defines this operation.
operation string yes the identifier of the connector app’s trigger or action that defines this operation.
input object yes An object that defines the user’s input as a key, value map where the key is the input field’s identifier as defined in the corresponding FieldSchema and the value is the user defined input value.
display object no An object that defines the user’s input as a key, label map where the key is the input field’s identifier as defined in the corresponding FieldSchema and the label is the user friendly label that corresponds to the user’s input value.
authentication string no the identifier of the connector app’s authentication config.