Connectors abstract web3 and web2 protocols into an interface of composable triggers and actions.
An object
that represents a connector app.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
key |
string |
yes | A key to uniquely identify this connector. |
name |
string |
yes | A short name to uniquely identify this connector app. Name for web3 connector must include blockchain name, for example: “Moloch on Ethereum”. |
version |
string |
yes | version identifier for your code. |
platformVersion |
string |
yes | version identifier for the Grindery Nexus execution environment. |
type |
string in (web2 , web3 ) |
yes | Connector type. |
description |
string |
no | Short user-friendly connector description. |
triggersDescription |
string |
no | Short user-friendly triggers description. Must start with Triggers when and end with a . . |
actionsDescription |
string |
no | Short user-friendly actions description. |
triggers |
array<TriggerSchema> | no | All the triggers for your connector app. |
actions |
array<ActionSchema> | no | All the actions for your connector app. |
authentication |
AuthenticationSchema | no | Choose what scheme your API uses for authentication. |
icon |
string |
no | Base64 encoded image string. Recommended icon size 24x24px. Allowed formats: PNG or SVG. Must be on transparent background. |
pricing |
string |
no | URL of the pricing page. Required if connector is a paid service. |
access |
string in (private , workspace , public ) |
no | Who can use this connector: only creator, all members of the creator’s workspace or anyone. Default value is public . |
user |
string |
no | Creator’s user ID. |
workspace |
string |
no | Creator’s workspace ID. |
An object
that defines a trigger for a workflow.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
key |
string |
yes | A key to uniquely identify this trigger. |
name |
string |
yes | A short name to uniquely identify this trigger. |
authentication |
string in (default , none ) |
no | Set to none to disable authentication for this trigger. |
display |
DisplaySchema | yes | Defines UI representation this trigger. |
operation |
anyOf(ChainEventOperationSchema, HookOperationSchema, PollingOperationSchema) | yes | Defines the functionality for this trigger. |
An object
that defines a blockchain event.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string in (blockchain:event ) |
yes | Must be set to blockchain:event . |
chains |
array<ChainSchema> | yes | All the chains for which this event is supported. |
signature |
oneOf(string , array<string >) |
yes | Signature of the event. Format of this field depends on the chain that the CDS is created for. For EVM chains the signature is Solidity event declaration including parameter names (which are mapped to input fields by key) e.g Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value) for ERC20 Transfer event. Multiple signatures may be specified for EVM chains, but indexed parameters must be exactly the same in all signatures. |
inputFields |
array<FieldSchema> | no | The data fields the user needs to configure for this trigger. |
inputFieldProviderUrl |
string |
no | A JSON-RPC 2.0 endpoint for updating available input fields based on user input. If present, it is called after user changes a field (see updateFieldDefinition in FieldSchema for details) to update available fields or choices. See also FieldProviderRequestSchema and FieldProviderResponseSchema for definition of the endpoint. |
outputFields |
array<FieldSchema> | no | The data fields returned by this trigger. If empty, it will be automatically generated from sample . |
sample |
object |
yes | Sample output data. |
An object
that defines the mechanics of an inbound hook.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string in (hook ) |
yes | Must be set to hook . |
inputFields |
array<FieldSchema> | no | The data fields the user needs to configure for this trigger. |
inputFieldProviderUrl |
string |
no | A JSON-RPC 2.0 endpoint for updating available input fields based on user input. If present, it is called after user changes a field (see updateFieldDefinition in FieldSchema for details) to update available fields or choices. See also FieldProviderRequestSchema and FieldProviderResponseSchema for definition of the endpoint. |
outputFields |
array<FieldSchema> | no | The data fields returned by this trigger. If empty, it will be automatically generated from sample . |
sample |
object |
yes | Sample output data. |
An object
that defines the mechanics of a polling operation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string in (polling ) |
yes | Must be set to polling . |
operation |
oneOf(RequestSchema) | yes | Defines how Nexus fetches data. |
inputFields |
array<FieldSchema> | no | The data fields the user needs to configure for this trigger. |
inputFieldProviderUrl |
string |
no | A JSON-RPC 2.0 endpoint for updating available input fields based on user input. If present, it is called after user changes a field (see updateFieldDefinition in FieldSchema for details) to update available fields or choices. See also FieldProviderRequestSchema and FieldProviderResponseSchema for definition of the endpoint. |
outputFields |
array<FieldSchema> | no | The data fields returned by this trigger. If empty, it will be automatically generated from sample . |
sample |
object |
yes | Sample output data. |
An object
that defines an action for a workflow.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
key |
string |
yes | A key to uniquely identify this action. |
name |
string |
yes | A short name to uniquely identify this action. |
authentication |
string in (default , none ) |
no | Set to none to disable authentication for this action. |
display |
DisplaySchema | yes | Defines UI representation this action. |
operation |
anyOf(ChainCallOperationSchema, APICallOperationSchema) | yes | Defines the functionality for this action. |
An object
that defines the mechanics of an API call operation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string in (api ) |
yes | Must be set to api . |
operation |
oneOf(RequestSchema) | yes | Defines how Nexus makes the API call. |
inputFields |
array<FieldSchema> | no | The data fields the user needs to configure for this trigger. |
inputFieldProviderUrl |
string |
no | A JSON-RPC 2.0 endpoint for updating available input fields based on user input. If present, it is called after user changes a field (see updateFieldDefinition in FieldSchema for details) to update available fields or choices. See also FieldProviderRequestSchema and FieldProviderResponseSchema for definition of the endpoint. |
outputFields |
array<FieldSchema> | no | The data fields returned by this trigger. If empty, it will be automatically generated from sample . |
sample |
object |
yes | Sample output data. |
An object
that defines a blockchain contract function call.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string in (blockchain:call ) |
yes | Must be set to blockchain:call . |
accounts |
array<ChainAccountSchema> | yes | The blockchain accounts for which this function can be called. |
signature |
string |
yes | Signature of the function including parameter names (which are mapped to input fields by key) e.g function transfer(address to, uint256 value) for ERC20 transfer call. |
inputFields |
array<FieldSchema> | no | The data fields the user needs to configure for this action. |
inputFieldProviderUrl |
string |
no | A JSON-RPC 2.0 endpoint for updating available input fields based on user input. If present, it is called after user changes a field (see updateFieldDefinition in FieldSchema for details) to update available fields or choices. See also FieldProviderRequestSchema and FieldProviderResponseSchema for definition of the endpoint. |
outputFields |
array<FieldSchema> | no | The data fields returned by this action. If empty, it will be automatically generated from sample . |
sample |
object |
yes | Sample output data. |
An object
that defines the authentication schemes.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string in (basic , custom , digest , oauth1 , oauth2 , session ) |
yes | Choose which scheme you want to use. |
test |
oneOf(RequestSchema) | yes | A request that confirms the authentication is working. |
defaultDisplayName |
string |
no | Template for generating display name. Template can contain to reference data returned from `test` request, and to reference data in token response. |
credentialId |
string |
no | Template for credential ID. New credential will overwrite existing one with the same ID. Template can contain to reference data returned from `test` request, and to reference data in token response. |
authenticatedRequestTemplate |
oneOf(RequestSchema) | no | Extra request options added to all requests sent via credential manager. |
allowedHosts |
array<string > |
no | When specified, credential manager is allowed to send requests to these hosts only. |
fields |
array<FieldSchema> | no | Fields you can request from the user before they connect your app to Nexus. |
label |
anyOf(string , RequestSchema) |
no | A string with variables or request that returns the connection label for the authenticated user. |
oauth1Config |
AuthenticationOAuth1ConfigSchema | no | OAuth1 authentication configuration. |
oauth2Config |
AuthenticationOAuth2ConfigSchema | no | OAuth2 authentication configuration. |
sessionConfig |
AuthenticationSessionConfigSchema | no | session authentication configuration. |
An object
that defines OAuth1 authentication config.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
getRequestToken |
oneOf(RequestSchema) | yes | Define where Nexus will acquire a request token which is used for the rest of the three legged authentication process. |
authorizeUrl |
oneOf(RequestSchema) | yes | Define where Nexus will redirect the user to authorize our app. Typically, you should append an oauth_token querystring parameter to the request. |
getAccessToken |
oneOf(RequestSchema) | yes | Define how Nexus fetches an access token from the API |
An object
that defines OAuth2 authentication config.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
authorizeUrl |
string |
yes | Define where Nexus will redirect the user to authorize our app. Note: we append the redirect URL and state parameters to return value of this function. |
getAccessToken |
oneOf(RequestSchema) | yes | Define how Nexus fetches an access token from the API |
refreshAccessToken |
oneOf(RequestSchema) | no | Define how Nexus will refresh the access token from the API |
codeParam |
string |
no | Define a non-standard code param Nexus should scrape instead. (The parameter is still named code when interpolating token requests) |
scope |
string |
no | What scope should Nexus request? (This with override scope parameter in the authorize URL) |
autoRefresh |
boolean |
no | Should Nexus invoke refreshAccessToken when we receive an error for a 401 response or the access token has expired? |
An object
that defines session authentication config.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
operation |
oneOf(RequestSchema) | yes | Defines how Nexus fetches the additional authData needed to make API calls. |
A string
that identifies a blockchain.
Type | Required | Description |
string |
yes | The CAIP-2 identifier for the blockchain e.g eip155:1 for Ethereum Mainnet. |
A string
that identifies a blockchain account.
Type | Required | Description |
string |
yes | The CAIP-10 identifier for the blockchain account e.g eip155:1:0xab16a96d359ec26a11e2c2b3d8f8b8942d5bfcdb for an Ethereum Mainnet address. |
A string
that represents a Decentralized Identifier (DID).
Type | Required | Description |
string |
yes | The CIP-79 identifier for the 3ID DID Account e.g did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw149tlplc4bgnpn1v4uwk9rg9jkvijx0u0zmfa97t69dnqibqa2as for Ceramic 3ID DID with streamID kjzl6cwe1jw149tlplc4bgnpn1v4uwk9rg9jkvijx0u0zmfa97t69dnqibqa2as . |
An object
that defines UI information for a trigger or action.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
label |
string |
yes | A short label for this trigger or action e.g “New Record” or “Create Record”. |
description |
string |
yes | A short description for what this trigger or action does. |
instructions |
string |
no | Short instructions for how to use this trigger or action. |
icon |
string |
no | Base64 encoded image string. Recommended icon size 24x24px. Allowed formats: PNG or SVG. Must be on transparent background. |
featured |
boolean |
no | Featured triggers/actions will be listed higher in the workflow builder UI then the rest. |
hidden |
boolean |
no | Hidden triggers/actions will not be listed in the workflow builder UI. |
An object
that defines an input or output field.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
key |
string |
yes | A unique machine readable key for this value (e.g “name”). |
label |
string |
no | A human readable label for this value (e.g “Name”). |
helpText |
string |
no | A human readable description of this value (e.g “Your full name.”). |
type |
string in (string , text , integer , number , boolean , datetime , file , password , copy , code , address , email , luhn , mac , url , uuid , evmAddress , flowAddress ) |
no | The type of this value. Use string for basic text input, text for a large, <textarea> style box, and code for a <textarea> with a fixed-width (monospaced) font. Use address , evmAddress or flowAddress type to allow user to use Address Book to enter the value. |
required |
boolean |
no | If this value is required or not. |
placeholder |
string |
no | An example value that is not saved. |
default |
string |
no | A default value that is saved if no value is provided by the user. |
choices |
array<FieldChoiceSchema> | no | Defines the choices/options used to populate a dropdown. |
list |
boolean |
no | Defines whether a user can provide multiples on an input field or whether an output field returns an array of items of type type . |
children |
array<FieldSchema> | no | An array of child fields that define the structure of a sub-object for this field. Usually used for line items. |
dict |
boolean |
no | Is this field a key/value input? |
computed |
boolean |
no | Is this field automatically populated (and hidden from the user)? |
updateFieldDefinition |
boolean |
no | Only has effect when inputFieldProviderUrl is present. If not set or set to true , inputFieldProviderUrl is called to update field definition after this field is changed. If set to false , this field won’t trigger field definition update. |
inputFormat |
string |
no | Useful when you expect the input to be part of a longer string. Put “” in place of the user’s input (e.g “”). |
validation |
FieldValidationSchema | no | Additional validation rules for the field. |
readonly |
boolean |
no | Set this to true if the field should be read only. |
Either a string
or an object
describing the choice in a dropdown.
In the case of an object, the properties should be defined as follows:
Key | Type | Required | Description |
value |
string |
yes | The actual value that is sent into the connector. Should match sample exactly. |
label |
string |
yes | A human readable label for this value. |
sample |
string |
yes | Displayed as light grey text in the editor. It’s important that the value match the sample. |
An object
describing additional validation rules for the field.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
positive |
boolean |
no | The value must be a number greater than zero. |
negative |
boolean |
no | The value must be a number less than zero. |
integer |
boolean |
no | The value must be a non-decimal number . |
min |
number |
no | Minimum value for the number type or minimum length for the string type. |
max |
number |
no | Maximum value for the number type or maximum length for the string type. |
values |
string |
no | Allowed values for the enum type. |
equal |
number |
no | Fixed value for the number type. |
notEqual |
number |
no | The number value can’t be equal to this value. |
length |
number |
no | Fixed length for the string value. |
pattern |
string |
no | Regex pattern for the string value. |
contains |
string |
no | The string value must contain this text. |
alpha |
boolean |
no | The value must be an alphabetic string . |
numeric |
boolean |
no | The value must be a numeric string . |
alphanum |
boolean |
no | The value must be an alphanumeric string . |
alphadash |
boolean |
no | The value must be an alphabetic string that contains dashes. |
hex |
boolean |
no | The value must be a hex string . |
singleLine |
boolean |
no | The value must be a single line string . |
base64 |
boolean |
no | The value must be a base64 string . |
This is wrapped in JSON-RPC request. method
field in the request should be grinderyNexusConnectorUpdateFields
Key | Type | Required | Description |
key |
string |
yes | Unique key of the trigger or action. |
credentials |
object |
no | Credentials configured by user on the UI. May not be present if the connector doesn’t require authentication. |
fieldData |
object |
yes | Fields already filled by user. |
This is wrapped in JSON-RPC response.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
inputFields |
array<FieldSchema> | yes | Updated field definition to be shown in UI. |
An object
that represents an HTTP request.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
method |
string in (GET , PUT , POST , PATCH , DELETE , HEAD ) |
no | The HTTP method for the request. |
url |
string |
no | A URL for the request (the querystring will be parsed and merged with params). Keys and values will not be re-encoded. |
body |
oneOf(null , string , object , array ) |
no | Can be nothing, a raw string or JSON (object or array). |
params |
object |
no | A mapping of the querystring - will get merged with any query params in the URL. Keys and values will be encoded. |
headers |
object |
no | The HTTP headers for the request. |
auth |
oneOf(array<string> , object ) |
no | An object holding the auth parameters for OAuth1 request signing or an array to hold the username and password for Basic Auth. |